September Energy Message
This month as nature peaks & begins to slow in the Northern Hemisphere, find yourself in tune with the rhythm of the Earth, a fullness and letting go. Challenge any deep-seated scarcity complex in your psyche lovingly and allow yourself to expand past imagined boundaries around who you are and what is possible.
Virgo understands abundance—having one's needs met, thriving, joy, connection—Pisces, its opposite, understands letting go and opening to flow is how we let abundance in.
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, let your cup overflow with love and all you are capable of.
Create new futures by starting first with your ability to believe in the vastness of possibility, in the reality of a dream, and as the sun moves into Libra, relax into love & practice receiving. ∞
September Highlights
9/2 New Moon in Virgo
9/17 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
9/22 Autumnal Equinox, Sun in Libra
9/30 Mercury cazimi
Virgo/Pisces Eclipse Portal, Grief & Abundance
There is a lesson available to us around the Pisces Lunar Eclipse this month. Processing grief is perhaps the most potent gateway to abundance—how can we open to what is possible, is true, if our heart is closed to the feelings we have around change, loss, and growth?
Honoring the grief in our hearts leads to the ability to feel deep joy and gratitude. Slow down enough to process transitions unfolding around and inside you. See if being with your grief allows you to feel a depth of joy and love, of the nurturance that is possible for yourself & humanity.
Work with Emily…
Creative, Intuitive, Embodied practices for well-being & empowerment.
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Processing Grief to Open to Abundance
Gather any art materials calling your heart.
Light a candle, take a sip of water, settle into the moment by bringing awareness to your feet and pulling Earth energy up through your body with each breath.
Ask your heart what exactly about your grief it would like to honor, being open to the possibility that the response might be beautiful.
Begin to create and trust what comes through. Go slowly, take breaks as needed. Let yourself be led to what is on the other side of your grief—to the grace that emerges.
Take a moment to ground, feel your feet, feel the Earth’s support. What do you notice about what you created? What did you notice throughout the process? Was there a moment of shift?
Decide what would be the next best way to honor grief and abundance—maybe filling an altar with flowers and putting your art in the center, or letting go of the art you created in a ceremonious way.
Autonomous Muse Studio will be closed 9/25-10/8 as I move, more soon. ❤️
emily/autonomous muse