October Energy Message
This month, make rituals honoring change and the magic within it.
Change allows us to realize what is special to us and to reflect on what is in alignment and what to leave behind. Change reminds us what to cherish. Change is a time to take stock of what reflects our truest nature, what to let go, and ways we’d like to be.
How often do we let ourselves feel into the whole spectrum of experience in times of change? There is so much richness there…
There is sacred in times of change. Healing takes place in transition. A chance for deep gratitude and revelation. For true Love.
Find ceremony, be present, find song, and your ‘true voice’ as you move into change.
Change is movement. Move in a forcefield of light—grounded & guided. ∞
October Highlights
10/2 New Moon Solar Eclipse
10/14 Indigenous People’s Day
10/17 Full Moon in Aries
10/22 Sun in Scorpio
10/31 Samhain/Halloween
Working with Memory in Times of Change
Mars in Cancer beckons us into an exploration of memory in October…
Change can open a nostalgic door that helps us process, feel gratitude, release and move forward into the present.
In times of change, don’t let it all slip by. Feel it as sacred, cherish a moment, keep a memento, honor the magic, honor the memory you’re creating in this moment.
What does this time bring up for you? What memories do you want to hold onto? What memories are you making?
Memory is one of the most beautiful realities of the soul…as things happen in your yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows, and fall away with transience, they are caught by the net of the eternal in your soul. There they are gathered, preserved and minded for you.”
John O’Donohue from Anam Cara: a book of Celtic Wisdom
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Collecting & creating mementos to honor change
Begin by taking a moment to open to a willingness to feel into the whole spectrum of an experience you are having right now around change.
In a journal or on paper reflect for 5 minutes on the prompt: I can honor the change I am experiencing by…
Gather little mementos from this time—a leaf, a stone, a dried or pressed flower, a quote—whatever calls to you, and decide what you would like to do with them. Maybe you have a jewelry box or envelope you can decorate and put them in. Maybe you feel called to create a little altar for this time.
Make your own art, a drawing, a small painting, a collage, to honor and feel into this time and add it to your collection.
“Children are the wildest nature, and without being told to, they prepare for the coming of the times, greeting them, living with them, and keeping from those times recuerdos, mementos for remembering.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés Ph.D. from Women Who Run with the Wolves
Autonomous Muse Studio will be closed until 10/8 as I move, more soon. ❤️
emily/autonomous muse