November Energy Message
November is for shadow work. We create real change and transformation when we are present with shadow. This month, choose a shadow part that is coming up for you and take it into your heart. Be still and feel it in your body, listen to what it has to say, take it for walks, make art with it, sing to it, find its origin and send light to that place. Then mid-month check in by journaling to this prompt: Which shadow part are you taking under your wing as your apprentice and what are you learning together?
This Scorpio season, I will be working with my shame shadow. I can feel little girl me very presently when shame comes up, and I have to hold her and give her lot’s of compassion or she lashes out at those around me because holding shame is so uncomfortable. I look forward to really being with that part of me this month and seeing what we learn, and heal, what power we uncover.
As I thought about the message this month an image came up of burrowing into the ground. Really digging into earth and mud and staying there for a while. November is a time to go inside your sacred home, your precious self. The invitation this month is to be with all that is earthy and muddy there. Be patient and wait for the magic that willingness to be with can bring.
This is an assignment for the wild you—the you that loves an adventure, and isn’t afraid of the dark, the you who wants to howl at the moon from somewhere deep inside, the you that is aligned with all of the electricity in the air in the change of seasons. Stay in touch with your wild this month, find ways to feel alive and in touch with your animal nature. Keep close contact with the land and your spirituality. Trust your voice and your truest expression, and stay with your desire to be an active participant in the stream of life, when it guides you deep inside, to your own mystery and magic. ∞
Work with Emily…
Creative, Intuitive, Embodied practices for well-being & empowerment.
November Highlights
11/1 New Moon on Scorpio
11/15 Full Moon in Taurus
11/21 Sun in Sagittarius
11/28 National Day of Mourning
11/30 New Moon in Sagittarius
November Intuitive Card Reading for the Collective
A free 3 card pull for the month, plus info on booking a new offering ~ live 1:1 readings…
Energy Message Anniversary
This month marks three years of the energy message! I want to thank you for opening it up when you can, and I hope it has been supportive for you. It has been an anchor for me in a time where so much has been unknown. I’ve moved to three different states since I began writing the energy message. Channeling, creating art, and crafting a message each month, has kept me grounded and in touch with my intuition. So much has changed for me lately, I thought maybe it’s time to reimagine this offering, but my intuition says to keep going, and perhaps to show myself between these lines a little more, so that is what I’ll do.
Sending my love,
emily/autonomous muse
P.S. You can read the very first energy message here, if you like. 🖤