May Energy Message
May is about aligning with your inner goddess.
What does she love?What does she need? What does she know?
Reflect on the knowing that came forward in the last month or so with two eclipses and a mercury retrograde. Use what you have learned to build a foundation for your spirit to thrive. Ground in the here and now while honoring your dreams, giving them room to grow here on Earth.
Find and celebrate Earth Angels this month and be one too if you can. There is so much despair happening globally. It's up to each one of us to tip the scales and create a new vibration, to grow love. Offer an olive branch in ways big and small, and hold gratitude and awe for the kind soft hearts you are lucky enough to know. What a blessing to find gentleness on this Earth. What a privilege to have the space to envision and act to create a new way, that really isn’t new at all, it’s a remembering, it’s the origin of the Truth. And the truth is we are capable of love and care, compassion and justice. This month, protect your inner abundance so you can invite tired Earth Angels into your world for replenishment and a dose of hope.
Stay close to your inner earth goddess, and if she needs to be a warrior goddess this month,
so be it. ∞
May Highlights
꩜ May 1 ~ Beltane
꩜ May 7 ~ New Moon in Taurus
꩜ May 20 ~ Sun in Gemini
꩜ May 23 ~ Full Moon in Sagittarius
Work with Emily…
Creative, Intuitive, Embodied practices for well-being & empowerment.
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Inner Sanctuary & the Moon
What is the landscape of your inner sanctuary? Ask your body to show you an inner sanctuary and bring your awareness to your inner world by doing a slow body scan from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.
When you come across an inner sanctuary take note of the landscape: are there plants? What does the ground feel like on your feet? What does the air feel like? Is it day or night? Is there an animal present? Does it have a message for you?
When you’re finished, make a list of all the inner abundance you found in your sanctuary, write down the little details.
Using any art materials bring it to life in the physical form!
When you’re finished make an altar for your sanctuary with plants, crystals, and any other offerings, and take a moment each day from the New Moon to the Full Moon to basque in your inner abundance.
Sending so much love.
emily/autonomous muse