July Energy Message
This month is about healing.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the Moon rules the body, the home, our relationship to the mother, our emotions. Cancer always shows us the places we need to meet ourselves and others more deeply, opportunities for care and healing.
This Cancer season, spend some time re-mothering yourself by giving yourself acceptance, understanding, and care. Take care of your body, and practice asking for what you need, so you might experience emotional fulfillment.
Can you love yourself no matter how weird or how many mistakes or how big your emotions? Can you love yourself through your struggles and into your evolution?
Living an authentic life can be hard. It can make people uncomfortable to face the real you if they are not ready to own all they are too. It’s ok to be different, and it is ok to have needs. Be your own loving mama this month and tell your community what’s on your sweet heart. ∞
July Intuitive Card Reading for the Collective
A free four card pull that includes questions for reflection for the month.
July Highlights:
7/5 New Moon in Cancer ~ Change how you treat yourself.
7/21 Full Moon in Capricorn ~ Celebrate your relationship with your inner child.
7/22 Sun in Leo ~ Shine just for you, as if no one is watching.
7/26 Chiron retrograde ~ Deep healing is possible.
Work with Emily…
Creative, Intuitive, Embodied practices for well-being & empowerment.
Poems for Moon Moments
New Moon in Cancer
Mother wound, unravel & fly away. Turn into love, into my capacity and power for love—to love & be loved.
Full Moon in Capricorn
I'm here for you, sweet child holding sun, holding you up in water so you can float breathe easy, until you find your voice and my courage to ask for what you need we rise together mother that I am holding steady, so you can sing.
Sending Love,
emily/autonomous muse