Happy Solstice! 2021 is getting smaller in the rearview window. As you turn around to look ahead at the year to come, notice where you’re sitting in the imaginary car. If you’re not driving pause and reflect on that for a moment and then reimagine yourself in the driver’s seat. Where are you going and what do you want to see? What is the road like and who is there with you?
Art is a fun way to set intentions and en-vision the future you’d like to behold.
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Intention Setting
Take a moment to become aware of your heart space, reflect on what you deeply desire.
Make a list of some of the things you desire for yourself this year.
Choose a desire that grabs your attention, or if you like you can close your eyes and point, seeing where your finger lands, and work with that desire.
On a blank piece of paper with any art materials, create this desire. What shape is it? What color is it? What kinds of lines is it made of? It can be abstract—you can work with the energy of the desire!
When you’re finished take a moment to really look at the desire. What do you notice? What comes up?
Take a moment, to pretend it’s already here, write down how it feels, looks, and what affirmations go along with this fulfilled desire.
Put it somewhere you can see it. Let it smile at you and remind you, it’s on the way to you.
Want some music to make the vibe? Check out the Autonomous Muse Intuitive Art playlist.
Join the community & Share your art
Welcome to the Autonomous Muse Collective. A place to share your creations, celebrations, creative ideas, and ask questions.
Group Sessions
Autonomous Muse group sessions are taking a pause in the new year to realign. The next session will be January 19th. It will be about the full moon and emotions. Details coming soon.
Online Classes
There are three prerecorded classes for you here (one is a free)!
One-on-One Sessions
If this kind of work is calling you and want a container to process more deeply, private Intuitive Art sessions are a good way to go deeper. Intuitive Art doesn’t replace working with a mental health professional.