February Energy Message
February is about self-love, simplifying, inviting in what’s aligned, and releasing what isn’t.
Hone in on what makes you unique this month—what makes you come alive? When are you the most happy? What do you love most about you?
When the Moon is full in Leo on the 5th, focus on heart alignment and self-love and think about the inner gifts you have that are almost ready to be brought to the collective.
You’ve got the blueprint for your dream life, and you know what really matters. While releasing masks and coming into authentic expression, this is a good time to begin to declutter physically, mentally and spiritually.
Less is more—make space around you for your true self to emerge.
Start coming into a willingness to let go of that which doesn’t align with your truth. When the sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, you can send what you’ve outgrown out to sea. ∞
Preparing for the shift…Imbolc Prayer
I can feel the life I want. I can take the best of what I’ve learned, the best of me and make an essence.
Thanking all my teachers. I know the cycle now, how to ride the waves, what keeps me afloat. I know how to love myself and I won’t settle for less. I know how to be loved.
Here’s to sunlight, flowers, freedom, adventure, song, dance, earth connection, heart living, light bearing abundance, full of love, fresh energy, health, strength, community, simplicity, beauty, full living.
It’s time for the dreamers, believers, lovers, the poets & artists, soft femme power to
R I S E…
F R E E Next Month…
a free hour to connect with your inner knowing & learn about Autonomous Muse coaching.
In our hour together, you will have the chance to drop into your body through guided meditation and journaling, reflect on your experience & contemplate personal meaning with self-connection.
Saturday March 18th, 1pm central time (11am PST, 12pm MST, 2pm EST). On Zoom.
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Mapping a constellation of your life
Gather materials you feel called to use…markers, paints, colored pencils, and a piece of paper as large as you like will work well. Magazine cut outs would be a fun addition.
In a journal or on a piece of paper, make a list of the very special things you want to do and experience in your life, the deep values you live by, and what is most important to you.
Start to map them out with your art materials, creating images, shapes, lines and writing when needed to represent the items from your list.
Cluster what belongs together, place them in any order that feels good and draw lines or little dots leading one to another until you have your own cosmic constellation, a sacred blueprint for your life.
Enjoy the Aquarius SZN playlist 〰
emily/autonomous muse