Hear about what’s new with the energy message and special monthly offerings below:
This month’s energy message is an intuitive card reading for the collective in the style of Autonomous Muse three card readings.
The theme for this month is fueling intentional living with aligned beliefs & values. We have arrived at the moment we face because it is time and we are ready. This month, we can look at our belief systems that allow suffering and replace them with beliefs that allow us to create a world where justice, love, and care are at the center of our lives. Anchor into what nourishes you, sparks your spirit and moves you. The gifts you bring to the table this month are your truth and wisdom—all you have learned on your path.
Tell us your intentions, tell us your vision, we’re listening. ∞
Current Challenge
Flower Mother
We are being asked to intentionally create a new world that is based on care and thriving for all. Now is a time to apply the truths about our personal and collective shadows that we learned last month and take action. We can look at the beliefs and values behind what we want to create and set intentions so that our action is aligned with our heart’s truth.
Be a vessel for creative energy to move through you and create the most high vibrational, healing, beautiful heart song for the earth. We have great creative capabilities, we must set our intentions to create for love and healing.
Reflection questions: What do you want the world to look and feel like? How are you creating this world?
Affirmation: I am creating the future, moment by moment with clear intentions & inspired action.
On the other side of getting clear about what matters to you and what is true for your heart, the gift is connection to the inner world you are cultivating and an inner peace that cannot be taken. Find your grounding and live in your strength so you can open as a channel to loving cosmic energy. Recognize and hold your complexity with acceptance and bring your gifts forward with a faithful ease.
There is new growth and you can be comfortable with the current cycle of life because you have inner stability and have nurtured a calm centeredness that is healing to those you are near. You are guided and supported.
Questions for reflection: Where can you give yourself credit for how far you've come? What would a little celebration of self-connection look like for you?
Affirmation: I am the peace I seek. I embrace my complexity and beauty. I’m open to co-creating with the cosmos.
Art & Fire
There is so much we can’t control. Life can seem so overwhelming at times. We all need an anchor. A reason why. Something that we love so much it keeps us going.
Find your reason to let go and live when things feel out of control. Maybe it’s art, music, nature, movement, spirituality, your inspired beliefs, community. Whatever it is, make it bigger, dedicate time & space to it, let it spark your creative excitement or at least your willingness to be here and keep trying. Wear it as a cloak protecting you and warming your heart.
Questions for reflection: What are your anchors and how do they anchor you to this life? What do you give back to them?
Affirmation: I am here for a reason, I am meant to be inspired and passionate. I follow the whispers of my heart to lead me to the things that move my spirit.
Personal Intuitive Card Readings
Explore your current personal lesson, gifts, & guidance, in a recorded reading sent to you along with a written version of the messages from the cards including reflection prompts & affirmations.
What the reading explores:
△ Current lesson or challenge you are learning or working through.
△ The gift you are uncovering that goes along with the current lesson or challenge.
△ Support you can call in that will help you through the current lesson or challenge.
I will also channel a short message from any guides you have available & I will share any visual or verbal messages that come through.
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Your Vision for the World
Take a moment to get grounded, find your breath and connect to the core of the earth. Send thanks downward through your body and feel Earth’s energy envelope you in a warm and loving hug. What is your vision for the earth and its inhabitants?
Gather your art materials and begin to express you dream for the world in lines, shapes, colors, images, textures. Let yourself be surprised by what emerges…perhaps the dream Earth has for itself & all of us will begin to move through you.
When you’re finished look at your vision in art form, and let your heart sink into the feeling of what is possible. Cup your hands together in front of your heart-space and fill them with your desire for the Earth, and then lovingly blow the energy out of your hands to float in the wind and germinate the land.
Get out a journal and write down the wisdom of your vision, the beliefs & affirmations that support it, write a poem of your dream and say or sing it out loud.
Music heals, carries, and inspires…enjoy the Sagittarius SZN playlist
December Offerings
There is a tide of healing coming for the femme spirit after a long dark night under the patriarchy & we need to be empowered to birth the change…
This month I’m offering support & nourishment for the feminine.
Intuitive Art for Healing the Feminine
Join me for an hour of connecting with & listening to the feminine spirit. Bring any art materials you feel called to use. If you have a photo of yourself at an age you’d like to heal, bring it along.
Session will be virtual, you can join from anywhere!
This is a space for women identifying, femme, & non-binary folks.
Wednesday, December 14th, 5:30-6:30pm PST, 7:30-8:30pm CST
Reiki for Uncovering Femme Wisdom
Let’s create a sacred container together and bring in Reiki—universal healing energy—to support you as you invite in your intuitive wisdom & offer your body compassion & healing. Connect to the life cycle and step into your power in a 50 minute virtual session.
*while I’m taking a break from recording new Reiki meditations, here is the collection for your enjoyment anytime.
This New Story
Previously a virtual exhibit, now in booklet form with questions for personal reflection & space to dream…
Art & writing made in the process of a journey back to self. This New Story explores femme strength & power, autonomy, anger, and joy. It’s a song to the collective, restoring the theft of our bodies and ideas since the fall of the Goddess. A meditation on living post patriarchy as it still exists—we are transforming reality into something we imagine and know to be true. Here is a glimpse into what is alive & waiting in our hearts, when we dare to dive into the center of the universe. You can see the virtual exhibit here.
Sending Love,
emily/autonomous muse