April Energy Message
April is about getting aligned with what you need to blossom.
This month is all about choosing what supports your thriving and making the intentional decision to let go of and say no to what doesn’t.
Release people pleasing and slow down so you can experience what yes and no feel like in your body. Practice communicating what is true for you, what you need, and what you want.
Get in touch with what matters to you. Clear out what is distracting and unsupportive. Check in with how things feel, and let go of what isn’t nourishing so you can invite in what is.
Spend time being in dialogue with your inner self through journaling, meditating, and creating. Review what has been nurturing and what has been draining and adjust accordingly.
Compost the weeds in your garden so you can grow toward the sun as your authentically beautiful and abundant self. ∞
April Highlights
꩜ 4/1 Mercury goes retrograde
꩜ 4/8 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
꩜ 4/19 Sun enters Taurus
꩜ 4/23 Full Moon in Scorpio
꩜ 4/25 Mercury stations direct
Work with Emily…
Creative, Intuitive, & Embodied practices for well-being & empowerment
I’m currently offering discounted introductory sessions for both coaching & guided drawing…
This Month ~ Embodied Wisdom
An hour to connect with your inner knowing & learn about Autonomous Muse coaching.
You will have the chance to drop into your body through guided meditation, reflect on your experience through journaling, & contemplate personal meaning around the topic: Soul Desires.
Embodied Wisdom is a FREE event
Saturday April 20th, 1-2pm central time (11am PST, 12pm MST, 2pm EST). On Zoom.
I’ve left an art alchemy ritual below to support you this month.
Sending so much love,
emily/autonomous muse
Art Alchemy Ritual for the Scorpio Full Moon
Being with what is difficult with compassion
Set a space to work and ask for guidance and protection from your higher self and spirit of the universe. Light a candle, maybe have a favorite crystal, a glass of water, and some salt nearby.
Take a moment to feel yourself connected to earth through your feet or your sit bones, find your breath, and then look for areas of discomfort or tension in your body. Choose one area that calls to you.
With any art materials you feel called to use, let that part of you express itself. While you create, see if you can shift toward letting it answer the question, what is needed?
When you’re finished take a moment to hold your artwork, honoring this sacred expression, and offering that part of yourself presence and compassion.
Reconnect to the earth, your body, and your higher self and give thanks for your willingness to sit with what is difficult, allowing you to contact feelings of compassion and love.
Decide if you would like to tuck the art away in a safe place, make a healing altar for it, or perhaps let it go.
If you’re feeling called to go deeper with transformative art, I offer supportive 1:1 sessions. You can learn more & book below.